Business & Marketing

Guys in Suits Are Bosses – Fashion Tips For Business Men

A lot of men may feel intimidated or nervous when it comes to fashion. Being fashionable has historically been seen as feminine. 

However, the way a man presents himself sets the tone for who he is. Needless to say, men that are fashion-forward are more likely to appear confident. 

Accordingly, they are seen as someone who is sure of themself. Fashion is extremely important for succeeding in life. 

In this article we are going to discuss some of the best trends for men. We will also explore some of the best fashion tips.

Guys Who Wear Suits

It’s no secret that girls love a guy in a suit. This is actually scientifically-proven. It has been evidenced in psychology studies. 

A “V-shaped” body type is linked to good health. Furthermore, it is associated with higher levels of testosterone. Therefore, a well-fitted suit is unparalleled. 

Suits make a guy look masculine. It accentuates an appropriate waist-shoulder ratio. Broad shoulders and big hands grab attention. 

However, it is extremely important that the suit fits well. There is nothing more unattractive than a baggy suit. This comes across as dirty and lazy.

It may take practice to choose a suit that fits well. Pay close attention to the shoulders, as this sets the tone for the rest of the fit. 

Tailoring is a great investment when it comes to suits. Everyone has a different body type. It is not uncommon that a general suit won’t fit. 

Furthermore, it is important to be attuned to recent fashion trends. What is deemed to be an attractive style of suit has definitely changed over the decades.

For instance, it is now trendier to to have shorter trousers. This “modern-fit” of suit ends above the ankles. Therefore, your socks will be visible. 

Needless to say, choosing appropriate socks is also important. Choosing the correct accessories, in general, is vital to the overall cohesion of the look.

There are subconscious things that a suit represents. For instance, it signifies power and success. People view you differently. It states that you are not afraid to command attention.

However, a suit is not always appropriate. A suit can come across as uptight and stuffy in the wrong setting. Therefore, it is important for a guy to cultivate a personal fashion style.

Casual Wear

Casual wear is relaxed, comfortable, and suited for everyday wear. However, it doesn’t have to be sloppy. It is important to develop a casual, yet put-together, style. 

For instance, women love men who wear well-fitted jeans. Jeans are timeless. Furthermore, they are versatile. You can dress them up or down.

Accordingly, jeans should be a staple in every guy’s closet. This is true regardless of age or body type. Always remember to avoid baggy jeans. Try going a size down from what you would usually wear. 

Finding a good pair of jeans can be a difficult feat. Therefore, be ready to invest in a pair that fits well. Nice jeans are hard to come by. The investment is ultimately worth it. 

T-shirts that fit well are another staple. Plain t-shirts appear to be classy. This is especially true for neutral colours. 

Furthermore, neutral colours are recommended due to their versatility. You can pair them with various tones. 

A pair of well-fitted jeans can be coupled with a neutral t-shirt. Although casual, this look still exudes style. It makes a guy appear relaxed and put-together at the same time.


Many men put little thought into the footwear they choose. However, this is a detrimental oversight. Ladies often notice the type of footwear that men choose to wear.

Evidently, choosing the right type of shoes is crucial. First off, it is important that the shoes you choose match the rest of your outfit.

Secondly, your shoes must be clean. How well you take care of your shoes is often a reflection of other aspects of your life. Needless to say, nobody wants to date someone who wears unkept shoes.

Young men often wear a nice outfit but then pair it with gym shoes. Gym shoes should only be worn for their intended use… at the gym.

Most women hate men who wear sandals or flip flops. Skip these styles unless you’re at the beach. Alternatively, always choose footwear that covers your feet.

Leather shoes have consistently been voted the shoe of choice. Leather shoes are more aesthetically appealing. They have the ability to pull a look together.

Although boots have been a staple for many women, men should skip this trend altogether. This look isn’t likely to end well, unless she has a fascination with cowboys.

Men believe that playing it cool and casual is the way to go. Therefore, they believe wearing worn shoes comes across this way. 

Furthermore, Some men are nervous to wear dressier shoes. They believe that women may perceive them as feminine. 

However, this is far from the truth. On the contrary, women believe that these shoes make the man appear more polished.

Wearing a Watch

The need for watches has quickly declined in our technological age. However, constantly being on your phone can appear rude and dissociated.

Accordingly, wearing a watch is still the preferred way to have an outfit appear polished. It allows you to appear refined and tasteful. 

Choosing the right type of watch can be tricky. However, the pricier the watch doesn’t mean the nicer. It’s better to choose a simple style that can be paired with various outfits.

Flashy, diamond-encrusted watches definitely serve a purpose. However, they are not ideal for everyday wear. Skip the expensive watch if you’re on a budget. Instead, choose something more practical instead.

The perfect men’s watch has a simple leather band. The band is either dark brown or black in colour. Furthermore, the face of the watch has a very simple design.


Smell is a key factor when it comes to attracting the opposite sex. Scents have a psychotherapy effect. They can alter your state of mind or current mood. 

Furthermore, changing your scent can boost your confidence. This happens even if it’s not conscious. Accordingly, a man is then more likely to attract a woman.

Some studies have shown that fragrances can aid in the development of connections. Evidently, smell is the most powerful sense we have. It is 150,000x more powerful than our vision. 

When a guy smells good it signifies larger things. For example, it means that they are attentive to detail. There is little that they overlook. 

It is apparent that scent can play a vital role in initial attraction. However, it is important to ensure that you buy a high quality product. 

Be weary of imitations of popular brands. These scents come across as cheap and tacky. Accordingly, this isn’t the impression that you want to give off.


Having a good sense of style is a key factor in developing a personal identity. Furthermore, appearance is what attracts the opposite gender.

It is important for guys to get comfortable with fashion. Implementing these style tips is definitely the beginning step. 

However, creating a unique personal style is the most important part. Be patient, this happens overtime!


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