Business & Marketing

Escalate Your Business through Video Marketing 

Video marketing is a powerful and indispensable tool for growing the visibility of your brand or business. According to Forbes, it is found that nearly 78% of the marketers were able to get new customers through video marketing. The ease of creating videos and their ability to generate higher engagement has made videos an excellent tool for marketing. In addition, it is a human tendency to see videos as they are easy to understand, give a visual picture, and deliver the message in an emotion-evoking manner.

Many brands leverage the ability to create versatile videos and promote them across multiple platforms to grow their business and customers. Videos always get higher engagement due to high watch hours, ease of sharing, and an expressive platform to deliver information.

Importance of video marketing for businesses

The first step of creating a video for marketing purposes is to have the basics covered. It is crucial to plan the content according to the marketing goals and what is expected from video marketing. A study by Cisco shows that nearly 80% of the traffic was generated from video streaming. This is because it is easier for the target audience to understand a brand, product or service through a video than reading blogs or other content. Videos provide a visual glimpse of the product or service. Video marketing is powerful as it has the potential or capacity to connect to the target audience at an emotional level. Visual stimulation is effective for spreading awareness about a business.

Use of video marketing for business expansion 

With tons of options starting from making a video using a phone to editing with a free online editor, video creation has been simplified over the years. Here are things to know for the growth of business using video marketing:

Video Tools and editing 

The first step toward video marketing is understanding that it does not require technical expertise or exorbitantly priced tools. There are a plethora of online video trimmer which help to put together clips in a single video. The are easy to use without implementing much technical knowledge, and it helps eliminate unwanted parts and put together the video snippets to create a concrete, concise video. Combining visual and audible stimuli makes videos a valuable and essential marketing tool. The video presents the flexibility of presenting the information beneficial for the growth of the business. The websites with embedded videos are supported by search engine algorithms and rank high, creating better visibility and a sales funnel. Just getting ready with the basics is enough, and gradually you can upgrade over time. Here are the basics needed for creating videos for business marketing and expansion:

  • Phone or camera – These are the essential tools for creating videos. It is not necessary to initially invest in expensive gears. However, investing in a tripod or stabiliser is recommended to prevent the shakes and blurs.
  • External mic – Along with the visual content, the audio or sound clarity has a profound impact. It is best to purchase a good quality mic to capture sound.
  • Lighting is an essential factor in the shoot location or type of content. Try shooting videos under natural light or invest in clip-on or tripod lights for indoor shoots.
  • The editing or online video trimmer is necessary to edit the video and process the same to give the final touch. While shooting a video, many unnecessary clips are to be eliminated or cut during the final editing and processing. The video trimmer help in keeping the video concise and crisp.

Plan the video content as per business goals 

It is necessary to define the goals and what you intend to achieve for the business through the videos. Video marketing for the business means ensuring the target audience sees it. A video created for marketing purposes for a business can of different types:

  • Awareness and education – Such videos are created to keep the target audience informed and educated about the products or services offered by a business. This can include videos like product or service use demonstrations, how-to videos or education about the benefit of the products. Long-form videos on YouTube are suitable for such videos. Such videos are critical if your goal is to create higher conversion rates and a sales funnel. Make sure to add a CTA (Call to Action) to the video to help the audience take appropriate action after watching the video.
  • Testimonial videos – Such videos are imperative for marketing as it helps in building brand reputation. Request testimonials by happy customers and share the same through videos to increase sales. Positive reviews and testimonials improve the reliability of a brand.
  • Increase views and traffic – If the intention is to get higher organic traffic, views, and reshares, creating entertaining, short-form, crisp videos are best. As a brand, keeping the audience engaged through entertaining videos is a great way to bring the necessary traffic. Social media is the best outlet for video marketing to generate traffic.

Share unique videos across multiple platforms

One of the best ways to use video marketing for leveraging business growth and expansion is by creating unique videos for different platforms. Short-form videos effectively generate high organic traffic for social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook. However, if you plan on creating educational or informative long-form videos, YouTube is the best platform. If your videos are targeted toward a professional, more formal audience, LinkedIn is the right platform. The web page or website embedded with videos is ranked higher on search engines and creates more engagement with the target audience.


Video marketing is a great way to expand the business or brand by providing visual information. Most businesses that use videos for marketing perform better than a business that uses traditional marketing methods. Optimise the videos, plan the content, and deliver the information to the target audience to create higher engagement and a better sales funnel. Video marketing combines the power of visual and audio stimulation, making it easy for the target audience to grasp the information.


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