Personal Finances

What Are Some Legit Ways to Make Money Online?

About 57 million Americans freelanced in 2019. Unemployment rates are soaring, while the gig economy is booming.

The challenge lies in finding legit ways to make money online. It’s common to stumble over so-called work opportunities that either pay peanuts or don’t pay at all. In the worst-case scenario, you may end up having your identity stolen or getting your bank account drained.

Luckily, there are still plenty of legitimate work-from-home jobs and side gigs. You just need to know what to look for. For starters, check out these online side hustle ideas!

Sell Your Photos and Videos

If you’re passionate about video production or photography, go ahead and sell your work online. Consider setting up a website or blog or join a dedicated platform like Shutterstock, 500px, or Dreamstime.

The biggest advantage of selling photos on your website is that you’ll have full control over your work. Plus, you won’t need to pay a commission per sale.

Stock photography websites, on the other hand, put your work in front of a global audience. As a result, you can focus more on the core aspects of your work and less on marketing and sales. The downside is that you’ll pay a commission and other fees.

How to Make Money Online with Your Phone

Coinbase, Swagbucks, Shopkick, and other mobile apps allow users to make extra income while saving money. Some require completing small tasks, while others feature cash-back programs.

Swagbucks, for example, rewards users with points for watching videos, taking online surveys, or downloading games. The points can be redeemed for cash or Amazon gift cards. Find more options at Money Making Apps or check out the Apple Store or Google Play Store to get started.

Teach English Online

Native English speakers have the option to teach language classes online. All they need to do is to join Teach Away, VIPKid, DaDa, or other platforms.

This side gig can give you the opportunity to change lives by sharing your knowledge. Plus, you can set your own schedule and build a loyal clientele.

The best part is, you don’t have to be a teacher to get started. Most platforms only require a bachelor’s degree and/or an English language certificate.

Sell Information Products

Another way to make money online is to create and sell information products. These may include eBooks, online courses, webinars, podcasts, reports, and more. You can also set up a membership website and share exclusive content with your subscribers.

Think about your skills and expertise and then define your target audience.

If, say, you’re a real estate agent, consider creating a course for those trying to break into this industry. Another option is to sell a course or report for home buyers so you can teach them what to look for when purchasing a property.

Depending on what you plan to sell, you could join Udemy, Thinkific, Teachable, and other online platforms. As far as eBook publishing goes, some great choices are Amazon, Lulu, or Payhip.

Discover Other Legit Ways to Make Money Online

From consulting services to copywriting, there are plenty of legit ways to make money online. It all comes down to your skills and preferences. Think long-term and explore your options before taking the plunge.

So, are you ready to start a side business? Then you might want to check out the rest of our blog. We’ll show you how to market your services online, how to make a realistic budget, and more!


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