Cryptocurrency, Lifestyle

The Best Sports Betting Sites to Use in 2022

According to a recent Nielsen survey, more than half of all U.S. sports fans are interested in sports betting to some degree. If you’re one of them, you might want to give sports gambling a try sometime soon if you haven’t done it already.

In order to do this, you’re going to need to set up an account on one of the very best sports betting sites. Creating an account on one of these sports gambling sites will enable you to place bets and collect your winnings.

Before you sign up for an account on a sports betting site, though, you should be sure that you’re working with one of the best sites of the bunch. There are, after all, so many online sports betting sites for you to choose from.

The key to tracking down the best sports betting sites in 2022 is considering a handful of key factors. These factors should help you to determine which of the online sports gambling sites you should use.

Take a look at these factors below.


There are some sports betting sites that have been around for decades now. There are others that have just set up shop after realizing how much money there is to be made in the sports betting industry.

Your job is going to be to find out as much as you possibly can about the histories of different sports betting sites. You ideally want to create an account with one that has been around for a long time now.

More often than not, the online sportsbooks that have been in business for years now will have sites that are the easiest to use. They’ll also have everything from cool customer loyalty programs to fun (and often free!) contests.

You should read up on the different sports betting sites you’re considering. It’ll help shed some light on which one you should choose based on its history.


If you’re lucky enough to live in a state where sports betting has been legalized, there should be at least a few sports betting sites right within your own state. There might actually be more than a few options that you can choose from when this is the case.

But if you live in a state like Texas where the sports betting legislature is still hanging in the balance, finding sports betting sites might be slightly more challenging. You should, however, still have some good options in the form of offshore sports gambling sites.

Take a trip over to to discover more about these sports betting sites. BookMaker, Bovada, and BetOnline will be a few of the best options available to you.


One of the biggest mistakes that you can make when you’re on the hunt for sports betting sites is settling for one that doesn’t have a wonderful reputation. There are way too many options in this day and age for you to get stuck putting in bets through a site that has a terrible reputation within the industry.

So, how can you avoid putting yourself in a position where you’re placing bets through a sports betting site that doesn’t have a good reputation? Well, you should be able to do it by reading through as many online reviews for different sites as you can.

These reviews will feature some insight into what different sports betting sites are like from those who have used them in the past. Ideally, you’ll want to locate a site that has almost nothing but glowing reviews from people who have used it over time.

If you notice that a sports betting site has a whole lot of negative reviews, this should be a big red flag for you. It’ll indicate that this site isn’t going to provide you with the kind of sports betting experience that you’re looking for.


The great news for those who are signing up for an account with a sports betting site in 2022 is that they’re almost always going to be treated to a terrific bonus. Since the sports betting industry is so competitive these days, most online sportsbooks will provide people with bonuses as a way to entice them to sign up for accounts.

You should take full advantage of this when you’re in the market for a sports betting site. You should look around for the sites that offer the best bonuses in the business and create accounts with them.

You might even want to go as far as to sign up for accounts with multiple sports betting sites in the coming months. By doing this, you’ll be able to get your hands on plenty of free money that you can utilize to bet on sports.

Betting Odds

You might be under the impression that all sports betting sites are going to provide you with the same betting odds. But this actually couldn’t be any further from the truth!

Each individual sports betting site is going to extend slightly different betting odds to sports bettors. It’s why you will want to shop around for the sites that seem to have the best betting odds possible.

It’s also why you might want to maintain accounts with several different sports betting sites. When you do this, you’ll be able to guarantee that you can get the best betting odds on sporting events as you move forward.

If you make the mistake of simply settling for whichever betting odds a sports betting site gives you, it could result in you losing money over time. You aren’t going to be getting access to the best odds, which will ultimately result in you having to spend more than you should have to on your sports bets.

Types of Sports Bets

For a long time, there were only a few types of sports bets that people could place. Moneyline bets, point spread bets, and total bets were the main options that people had.

But over the years, lots of other types of sports bets have also shown up on the scene. We’re referring to bets like:

  • Parlay bets
  • Teaser bets
  • Prop bets
  • Round robin bets

Fortunately, you should be able to track down these types of sports bets on most sports betting sites. But it’s worth noting that some sites are going to limit your access to certain types of sports bets.

For example, you might not be able to turn $7 into $250,000 like this guy did on a parlay bet through some sites. They’ll put a cap on how much money you can win on parlay bets.

It’s going to take some work on your part to see which kinds of stipulations some sports betting sites will put on bets. But you should take the time to do it so that there isn’t any confusion later on.

In a perfect world, you’ll want to find sports betting sites that won’t limit you at all when it comes to which types of bets they allow you to put in. They should open them all up to you and let you decide which kinds of sports bets you’re going to place.


Prior to placing any types of sports bets through sports betting sites, you’re obviously going to need to deposit money into your account. To do this, you’ll need to locate a site that accepts the right kinds of deposits.

There are some sports betting sites that will only allow people to make deposits through cryptocurrency. There are others that will make it possible for you to use a credit card or even your bank account to fund your account.

Whatever the case, you should always sneak a peek at the deposit options that will be available through sports betting sites before signing up for an account. Otherwise, you might find yourself with an account at a site that doesn’t have any decent deposit options for you.

This could put you in a position where you won’t actually be able to use your account. You’ll have to go find a different online betting sportsbook that can enable you to fund your account with the right deposit options.


Your goal when you’re betting on sports through sports betting sites will be to win money. But it’s going to be awfully difficult to do this when a site doesn’t extend the right withdrawal options to you.

Just like with deposits, some sports betting sites are going to be stingier than others when it comes to how they’ll allow you to withdraw money. Some are going to force you to do it through the usage of cryptocurrency, while others are going to make it possible for you to do it through PayPal, wire transfers, or even checks.

You should give some thought to which options will work best for you when you’re withdrawing money from a sports betting site. You should also gauge which hoops you’re going to have to jump through to withdraw money from a site. You should pick a site that’s going to make it as simple as possible to secure your sports gambling winnings.


There are some sports betting sites that will have more fees attached to them than others. And we aren’t just talking about the “vigs” that you’ll have to pay to put in sports bets.

Some sports betting sites are going to charge you fees to utilize certain deposit methods. Others are going to hit you with fees when you go to take money out of your account through the use of certain methods.

If you don’t know about these fees until the last minute, they’re going to frustrate you. They’re also going to make you wish that you had taken the time to learn about them earlier.

If a sports betting site charges a lot of fees, you’ll typically see them mentioned in the online reviews for it. You’ll want to shy away from creating accounts with these kinds of fees.

Customer Service

The best sports betting sites will do their best to make sure that you won’t need to call on their customer service departments too often. But in the event that you do have to do it, they’ll also make sure that you’re able to access the best customer service around.

When you’re thinking about signing up for an account with a site, you should put their customer service department to the test. Reach out to them directly with a question or concern and see how they go about addressing it.

If they take forever to get back to you or if they don’t do a good job answering a question that you sent, that might be a bad sign. It’ll indicate that a sports betting site’s customer service department isn’t as responsive as you’ll need them to be.

You should instead go with a sports betting site that takes customer service way more seriously. It could help you out in a big way if you ever have to touch base with a customer service representative from a site about an issue you’re having.

Go Search for the Best Sports Betting Sites in 2022 Now

It might seem like it would be simple enough to find the best sports betting sites. But because there are so many of them nowadays, it might be more difficult than you imagined to do it.

Consider each and every factor listed here and use them to locate the best sports betting sites. They should have you placing bets through fantastic online sports betting sites in no time at all.

Browse through the other sports betting articles on our blog to get more great tips on placing sports wagers online.


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