Business & Marketing

Small Business Digital Marketing: 4 Marketing Tips to Grow Your Business

Are you spending at least 7% of the revenue that your small business brings in every year on marketing? If you aren’t, you should aim to change that immediately.

You’ll need to spend that much money on marketing your business regularly. And beyond just doing that, you’ll also need to make sure you’re coming up with the right marketing campaigns for your business.

More specifically, it’ll be important for you to make small business digital marketing a top priority. There are lots of digital marketing trends that you can use to spread the word about your business.

Interested in trying to put together your first successful digital marketing campaign? Here are four digital marketing tips you should keep in mind as you attempt to do it.

1. Define Your Brand in the Digital Realm

What is your brand in the digital space? That’s a question you should try to answer as part of your small business digital marketing push.

Is your brand going to be the witty company that always has something funny to say on social media? Or is it going to be a little bit more buttoned-up and professional than that?

Whatever the case, you should clearly define your brand in the digital arena from the start. You should then utilize this to create everything from the logo that you’ll use online to the voice that you’ll use to communicate with your potential customers.

2. Create a Website and Make It Mobile-Friendly

Unfortunately, there are still a lot of small businesses operating without websites these days. Recent reports have revealed that almost one-third of them don’t have websites.

If your small business falls into this category, you should do something about it. You’ll want to hire a web designer to set up a site for it and encourage them to make it as mobile-friendly as they can.

3. Take Advantage of Social Media at Every Turn

Social media can set your small business up with a direct line to so many potential customers. So why not take full advantage of this from now on?

Your small business should have a presence on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and other social media platforms. It’ll allow you to maintain a much closer connection with those who might be interested in your products and/or services.

4. Give Email Marketing a Try

Email marketing might seem like a thing of the past to some small business owners. But it’s still alive and well when it comes to developing a strong digital marketing strategy.

You should make it your mission to learn more about email marketing targeting. It’ll alter the way that you think about using email as part of a digital marketing campaign.

Put These Small Business Digital Marketing Tips to the Test

Small business digital marketing might be the key to taking your company to the next level. Experiment with these digital marketing tips to see how well they can work for your company as you move forward.

Browse through more of the other articles found on our blog to get other great digital marketing tips and tricks.


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