Business & Marketing

How to Develop and Execute a Web Content Strategy That Works

You’re tired of watching the competition outpace your business, but you don’t know how to compete. Yes, it’s frustrating, but rest assured, your business venture isn’t a total loss.

Instead, you’ll need to come up with a web content strategy that helps you compete!

Keep reading to learn how you can grow your digital presence to reach your audience without spending a fortune.

Identify Your Audience

This is the cardinal rule of marketing in general. However, since the internet is so fractionalized, it’s an even bigger factor for effective marketing online.

Gone are the days when you could target a broad demographic. Now, it’s all about the nitty-gritty details.

It’s why so many businesses create what’s known as a customer persona, which outlines specific information like your audience’s income level, aspirations, favorite shows and shops, and more.

We know what you’re thinking, and yes, creating a customer persona is a long endeavor. But it’s worth it when you see those conversions start to roll in.

Set the Right Goals

This is another area where your initial reaction can be deceptively easy. Your goal is to make more money, of course!

But that’s not how it works. Pouring advertising money into the wrong channels or investing in bad website content can tank your business.

You’ll need to set goals that are specific, data-driven, and time-based.

For example, you’re looking to improve your bounce rate and improve your search visibility. Cool! But that’s not helpful.

Saying that you want to improve search visibility while decreasing your bounce rate by increasing spend on blogging and SEO is a step in the right direction.

Don’t Spread Yourself Too Thin

The tricky thing about devising a web content strategy is that it’s so easy to assume your business needs to be everywhere, all the time. As you might expect, this leads to burnout, diluted website content, and web advertising that simply won’t work.

Don’t focus on being okay on a dozen different platforms. Instead, know where your audience congregates and focus your energies and efforts there.

Think of it this way: Say 3% of your audience is on Twitter, but 10% is on Instagram. You’re better off investing in Instagram content marketing, as a larger chunk of your audience is present on Instagram.

This is an important time to mention that you don’t have to tackle your ad content by yourself. Whether you don’t have time to invest in creating a plan, or your in-house team is too small or busy to help, outsourcing can be a great way to generate a library of content that fits your brand voice.

You can find help for a variety of platforms, too. Some specialize in social content, while others, like, focus on website copy and blogging. Best of all, outsourcing costs a fraction of the price of a new hire.

How to Develop a Killer Web Content Strategy

Your company may live or die by its web content strategy. Make sure you’re staying competitive by following these tips.

The more information you have, the better, whether you’re creating a buyer persona or setting goals. Be specific and check in with your data often.

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