Business & Marketing

How to Avoid the Most Common SEO Mistakes at All Costs

If you clicked on this article, you probably already know the definition of SEO, but are you an SEO wizard? Probably not. 

Learning the intricacies and nuances of best SEO practices takes more than stuffing a load of keywords into a blog post and calling it a day. That’s why so many people are making the same SEO mistakes over and over again. 

You can be different; learn how to create killer SEO content that will get results. If you’re looking to upskill your marketing efforts, prioritizing SEO content is the only way. 

Read on to find out more about what not to do. 

Picking the Wrong Keywords 

Searching for keywords is a great place to start, but don’t pick the biggest and best ones you find; they aren’t always helpful. 

For example, a small business owner wouldn’t want to use a generic keyword like ‘party dresses for women.’ You’ll find only global companies are ranking for these types of keywords. The competition will be fierce and they’re unlikely to rank highly for this content. 

Pick keywords that are relevant to your business, have high search volumes, and relatively low competition for the best results. 

Not Localizing Your SEO Content 

Local SEO is a valuable way to rank highly for a highly targeted audience. For example, search for “SEO company near me,” and you’ll find all the best services in your local area. 

Remember, every computer knows where its user is; capitalize on this and add localized SEO aspects at every opportunity. Here are three simple ways to incorporate localized SEO content: 

  • Include your town, city, and state in your keywords
  • Make the most of the popular phrase ‘near me.’ 
  • Geotag images in the alt text 

Forgetting About Technical SEO

The loading speed of your web pages is a tedious yet essential component of SEO. Even if you have killer content and an excellent product, people won’t stick around to see it if your webpage doesn’t load instantly. 

A simple way to increase loading times is to optimize your images. Large, high-resolution images significantly slow the loading time of every page; try resizing your photos and see if this improves loading speed. 

If you’re working on popular website builders such as WordPress or Wix, you can often install plug-ins that automatically do this for you. 

Don’t Fall Foul to These SEO Mistakes This Year

Now you understand the most common SEO mistakes you see online, and you know how to avoid them. If you want to stand out from (and rank above) your competitors, this is how you do it. 

If your role is business ownership and you don’t have the time, skill, or motivation, that’s okay; hire an SEO agency to help you with innovative marketing.  

Did you find this article helpful? If so, check out our other posts for all things digital, marketing, business, and more. 


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