Business & Marketing

Everything to Consider When Choosing a Press Release Company

Did you know that press releases can help you reach a broader audience? If you want to hire a press release distribution service, we can help.

We’ll go over what things to look for when choosing a press release company in this guide.

Want to learn more? Keep reading.

Ask For a Recommendation

If you have close business friends, ask them if they could recommend a company. Some business colleagues may have a company they prefer over others.

You can add the names to your list and research them more later.

What Are Your Needs?

Before picking a company, consider what you would like to get out of the experience.

Do you want to share about your new product or service? How will the press release company help you fulfill this goal? Think about what you need before researching companies

Where do you want your press releases to go? Will the company be able to promote you in a way that you want? Asking these kinds of questions beforehand will help you find the right company for your business.

Do you want to boost your search engine visibility? Find a press release service with high search engine authority.

You might want to reach customers or potential buyers. Find a service that has an online distribution service.

To reach the media, find a company that reaches newsrooms. To boost brand engagement, look for a service that will let you share on social media.

Does the Company Provide White Label Press Release Distribution Services?

Shortlist a few companies. Check if the companies provide the white label press release distribution service.

White-label service means your press release will get published without mentioning its service name in your release.

When your press release gets circulated with your identity, you’ll increase customer engagement. Also, your brand will appear as an expert in your competitive market.

What About Guaranteed Placement?

Your press release won’t be a success if it doesn’t get viewed a lot. To promote your press release, you’ll need it distributed across an extensive network.

When searching for a press release distribution company, consider the network coverage. Does the service provide you with a guaranteed placement?

If the service doesn’t guarantee placement on top news networks, keep searching.

Ask About Distribution Channels

What media outlets, sites, or newswire services does the company offer? There might be different offerings for memberships.

A top membership may give you access to many channels, but a premium membership lets you access all. Find out if they offer state-by-state distribution or localized distribution options.

Some press release distribution services will send your press release to newsrooms only.

Journalists have to provide adequate media coverage for a press release. If your press release gets sent to the newsroom, a journalist won’t see it.

Look for a service that forwards the release to the journalists.

What Are Some Add-Ons and Features?

You’ll also need to ask about extra amenities. Will the service add links, video, graphics, or images to your release? Find out if you can add a logo to the press release.

Will you have different templates to use? Click here to browse an example of a press release template.

What About Analytics?

You can track how successful your press release is if the press release distribution service provides analytics.

Ask about analytics and if you can go over performance data and engagement for the releases. Are you able to manage press releases from a dashboard or create a report?

How Easy Is the User Interface?

Many press release distribution services let customers distribute a release for free. You may be able to gain access to video demonstrations.

Review the service. You want to make sure the user interface is straightforward to use. If it feels too complicated, look for a different service.

What’s the Cost?

You’ll also need to determine your budget and if the service offers features that you want and need. Compare the functionality and features along with the cost. Don’t go over your budget.

Compare a few different companies and their price.

Quality Press Releases

If you find a service that distributes for a lower price, consider checking out the quality.

You want to focus on quality when circulating press releases. Otherwise, the goal behind your press release won’t get achieved.

How Does the Company Treat Customers?

Another factor to consider is how the press release company treats its customers. You want to work with a company that provides quality service.

Ask for a test run or demo before you commit to working with them. You’ll have a chance to see how they operate. Determine if you like the company or not.

When is the press release company available? What are the operation times? Is the press release company available when you need them or when you’re out of the office?

What will happen in a crisis? Make sure you consider what it will be like to work with the company. If you aren’t a good fit, keep looking for a different company.

Now You Know How to Find a Press Release Company

We hope this guide on finding a reputable press release company was helpful.

Look for a company that offers top service and sends releases to journalists. You want to find a company that will distribute your press release to many outlets.

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