
4 Common Behavioral Issues in Cats and How to Fix Them Fast

Dogs may be man’s best friend, but cats are a close second. They can also be our greatest nightmares! When we start to notice behavioral issues in cats, it can be disheartening and make us resent our pets more than we love them. 

The good news is that you can change it. There are almost no behavioral issues in cats that you can’t fix with a little effort and a lot of love and patience. 

If you’ve noticed that your cat has started to change the way they behave, keep reading. We’re breaking down their behaviors and how to fix them!

1. Up All Night, Sleep All Day

Long before cats domesticated themselves, they were creatures of the night. It wasn’t until they decided that humans looked like a good way to get a steady supply of food that they started to hang out during the day. There’s still a lot of that nocturnal instinct left in our feline friends and it comes out to play when they’re not getting enough enrichment during the day. 

Unfortunately, unless your pets stay away from your sleeping area, you can’t let them run around all night long. It’ll start to disrupt your sleeping and become a problem if it happens too often. 

Luckily, there is a pretty simple fix for a cat that is too active in the nighttime: you have to wear them out during the day! 

Get your cat enough toys to play with and engage them as often as you can. Set up bird or squirrel feeders in front of your windows and give them a place to sit and watch. Activate their prey drive and hide treats all over the house so they start to hunt. 

You could also try feeding your cat its largest meal at night. Cats tend to get sleepy after a big meal, so they’ll be more tempted to doze when you do.

2. What Litter Box?

One of the most common cat behavioral issues is when your cat stops using its litter box. It can feel spiteful sometimes. Why won’t they just go where they’re supposed to? 

The good news is that your cat doesn’t know how to be spiteful. However, there’s a good chance that your cat won’t use its litter box because there’s something wrong. 

The first thing you need to do is talk to your vet. There are several medical issues that could be at play if your cat isn’t using its box, like: 

  • Urinary tract infections 
  • Bladder stones 
  • Crystals in urine 
  • Belly pain 

Once you’ve checked in with your vet and made sure that everything is kosher, make sure you have one litter box for every cat in your house. Consider changing the box entirely to see if your cat doesn’t like the box you currently use. 

3. Cat Scratch Fever 

We all know that cats and kittens are adorable friends with what we affectionately call “murder mittens.” They’ve got razor-sharp claws at the end of each cute little paw. Unfortunately, unless they learn how to use those paws the right way, you could end up with injuries or damaged furniture. 

Cats scratch for a few reasons. They could be playing or trying to mark their territory. They could have excess energy to work off, as well. 

Your cat could also be scratching at things to file their nails down naturally. 

The best way to make sure your cat is using their claws constructively is to get them their own scratching post. Buy one post for each cat and sprinkle some catnip on it to encourage them to sink their claws in. 

Make sure your cat isn’t trying to trim their own nails by trimming them yourself regularly. It may seem scary to try and trim your cat’s nails at first, but once you get the hang of it, you’ll get it done in seconds. 

Lastly, some cats start to scratch when they get nervous. When there’s a change in the home, cats can develop nervous energy and use scratching to get that energy out. 

4. Kitty Cat Meltdown

If you have a cat that was docile and is now aggressive, it could be a sign that there is something seriously wrong. Many cats become aggressive because they’re in pain. Nursing a wound makes them lash out. 

If your once calm cat is now acting out aggressively, talk to your vet. Once you rule out any health issues that could be causing your cat to act out, you can try to rule out other issues. 

If you have an unaltered male cat in your home, that could be the reason you’re noticing more aggressiveness. Unaltered male cats are much more aggressive than other cats. Plus, their hormones and behaviors can cause other cats to act out as well. 

If you find yourself wondering “how to calm my cat,” you could try CBD. 

Do you have enough space in your home for all of your cats? Another reason cats lash out is that they’re overcrowded and don’t have any space to hide and decompress. 

Keep a separate food dish, water bowl, and litter box for each cat in your house. Make sure there are enough toys, food, and water to go around. When cats feel like they have to fight for things they need to survive, they can get aggressive. 

Fixing Behavioral Issues in Cats Fast 

Cats are one of the best pets you can get. They’re friendly, loving, and so fun to watch when they run around and play. But if you start to notice behavioral issues in cats, it can become difficult to keep them unless you do your best to ensure they’re healthy. 

As long as you follow these guidelines to getting your cats the help they need when you notice they’re struggling, you’ll have a healthy cat for a lifetime. 

If you want more information on how to live your best life, keep reading. 


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