Business & Marketing

How to Use the accessiBe WordPress Plugin to Ensure Complete Web Accessibility

Making your website accessible to everyone can seem like a daunting task. But with the help of the accessiBe WordPress plugin, it’s easier than you might think. This handy plugin provides all the tools you need to ensure your website is fully accessible to people with disabilities. Let’s take a closer look at how it works.

Getting Started

When installing the accessiBe plugin, it automatically starts scanning your website for accessibility issues. It then provides clear and actionable recommendations on how to fix those issues. The plugin also includes a built-in accessibility toolbar that lets users customize how they browse your site. For example, they can change the font size, color scheme, and cursor size.

Making Your Site Accessible

The plugin generates an accessibility report that provides an overview of your website’s accessibility status. It also includes recommendations on how to improve your site’s accessibility. For example, the plugin might recommend adding alt text to images or providing transcripts for videos.

You can also use the plugin to check the accessibility of your WordPress themes and plugins. This is a great way to make sure that all your content is accessible to everyone.

What accessiBe Does

The accessiBe plugin is constantly scanning your site for accessibility issues. It then provides recommendations on how to fix those issues. The plugin also includes an accessibility toolbar that lets users customize how they browse your site. 

The plugin generates an accessibility report that provides an overview of your website’s accessibility status. It also includes recommendations on how to improve your site’s accessibility. For example, the plugin might recommend adding alt text to images or providing transcripts for videos.

You can also use the plugin to check the accessibility of your WordPress themes and plugins. This is a great way to make sure that all your content is accessible to everyone.

Best Practices

When you’re creating content, keep accessibility in mind. Use clear and concise language, and structure your content in an easy-to-read format. For images, always add alt text. And for videos, provide transcripts so that people who are deaf or hard of hearing can still access your content.

Another thing to keep in mind is that not everyone uses the same browser or device. So make sure your website is responsive and looks good on all devices. You can use the Google Mobile-Friendly Test to test your site’s responsiveness.

Testing Your Site’s Accessibility

You can use the accessiBe plugin to test the accessibility of your WordPress site. The plugin will scan your website and generate an accessibility report. The report includes an overview of your website’s accessibility status and recommendations on how to improve your site’s accessibility.

You can also use the Google Mobile-Friendly Test to test your site’s responsiveness.

Final Thoughts

Making your WordPress website accessible to everyone is important. The accessiBe plugin makes it easy to ensure that your site is fully accessible. The plugin constantly scans your site for accessibility issues and provides recommendations on fixing those issues. It also includes an accessibility toolbar that lets users customize how they browse your site. And the plugin generates an accessibility report that provides an overview of your website’s accessibility status. You can also use the plugin to check the accessibility of your WordPress themes and plugins.


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